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Infinite Painter

7.036 for Android
Infinite Studio LLC

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description of Infinite Painter App

Infinite Painter is a powerful and versatile digital art application designed for artists, designers, and hobbyists alike. This comprehensive app offers a wide range of features that enable users to create stunning and unique artworks on their mobile devices. 

Brush Engine and Tools

Infinite Painter boasts an extensive collection of brushes that cater to various styles and techniques. With over 160 customizable brushes, users can create realistic textures and effects, such as watercolor, oil paint, or charcoal. The app's advanced brush engine allows for pressure sensitivity, brush blending, and brush dynamics, ensuring that the digital painting experience closely resembles traditional media.

Layers and Blending Modes

One of the significant advantages of Infinite Painter is its support for layers and blending modes. Users can create multiple layers, adjust their opacity, and apply different blending modes to achieve the desired effect. This feature is particularly helpful for artists who wish to experiment with various techniques and styles within a single canvas.

User Interface and Customization

Infinite Painter features an intuitive and customizable user interface that is designed to maximize productivity while minimizing distractions. The app offers a workspace that can be tailored to an individual's preferences, including the ability to rearrange and resize toolbars, panels, and menus. This level of customization ensures a comfortable and personalized user experience.

Import and Export Options

Infinite Painter offers compatibility with various file formats, making it easy to import and export artworks. Users can import images, including PSD files with layers, or export their creations as JPEG, PNG, or PSD files. Additionally, the app allows users to share their work directly to social media platforms or cloud storage services, facilitating collaboration and simplifying the process of showcasing their art.

Community and Tutorials

The Infinite Painter community is an invaluable resource for users seeking inspiration, feedback, or guidance. The app features an integrated gallery where artists can showcase their work, browse others' creations, and exchange ideas. Moreover, the app offers a range of built-in tutorials that cover essential topics such as brush creation, color mixing, and perspective drawing, catering to both beginners and experienced artists.

In-App Purchases and Pricing

Infinite Painter is available for free on Android and iOS platforms, with a seven-day trial period for premium features. After the trial period, users can opt for a one-time in-app purchase to unlock the full version, which includes all tools, brushes, and features.


Infinite Painter is a versatile and powerful digital painting application that allows users to create stunning artworks on their mobile devices. With an extensive range of brushes, customizable interface, layer support, and a vibrant community, this app is perfect for artists and hobbyists seeking a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for their creative pursuits. emphasizing its value as a must-have tool for digital artists.

Infinite Painter App 7.036 Update:

Experience one of the best-designed painting, sketching, and drawing apps for tablets, phones, and Chromebooks. Used by millions, this award-winning app brings rich, powerful features to all artists, whether art is your hobby, passion or career.


art and design craft design drawing paint tool painting

Additional App Information:

Category Art & Design
Latest Version 7.036
Publish Date 2023-03-20
Available Platform play store icon
Requirments Android 7.0+

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